Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yuri Dolgoruki

Yuri Dolgoruki is the founder of Moscow. Read about him from that wiki link. In the wiki his statue in old fashion and this one is in modern style. This one is located in front of historical museum on the red square.
Here I want mention one point of his name. Dolgoruki means long hand. You can see his pointed out hand is a little longer.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Guards at Memorial place, Moscow

The shape of Moscow City looks like circle and at the center of the city is Kremlin. Near the Kremlin there is Alexander park. And on this park there is Memorial place for World War 2. Many Russians were killed during German-Russian war. Russia had very hard time then. On the memorial place there is a fire is lit and 3 guard-men are standing in very strict position. One guard man can go and make others to be at ease position. The left 2 men are standing in motionless position and their eyes are looking in only forward direction. Many visitors are looking them. One amazing thing is that the guards are still standing in the very cold winter. You can see that they are always smart in their uniforms. It is worth to see parade of guards. If it is up to time to change guards, others guards are marching to this place. The style they walk is fabulous. In their march guards are lifting their legs so highly. OK I will post this photo later.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This photo was taken in one Park of Moscow. It was Sunny day and many folks were taking rest in that park. You can see benches are built on the slight slope of the Hill. Green lawn and green trees surely will make your eyes fresh. And one man walking on the lawn with dog make the photo more active. You can see lamp post on the center of photo and twisted lane is running along the slope of the hill. Fantastic photo.
Note that - you should not occupied all of your time with works, take a rest and have a walk in the park at least once or twice a week. You should reward yourself by taking a break in this busy world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is this color spectrum?

How do you think of this color spectrum?
How did I get this color spectrum...
It is very simple... I made macro shot on the CD under the fluorescent light.
This color spectrum came out when the fluorescent light incidents the face of CD.
It is very interesting to made such a kind of color experiment.
Hope you like it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Victory Park

This photo was taken in the Victory Park, Moscow. Actually I made cropping to get this unusual size. I love to see photo as I want to by cropping, desaturating, multiplying with background gradient color and so on in Photoshop.

May 9 is the day of Victory in Russia and Everyone is celebrating their festival by paying respect to their veterans. On this day famous singers are singing and many folks are walking to and fro on that square.

Later I will show you fountain of that square.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


This photo was taken in the metro (Subway, Underground, Tube). I don't remember what the name of this station is. Underground tube are located too deep in the ground and of course we have to use escalator. I have done some post-processing in Photoshop7: firstly, the photo was desaturated, secondly, I have used history brush tool to recover the original light, and finally I have added white border line and thick black color. Many light bulbs look like many moons, and they are standing in the roll, waiting for their turn to serve the World as moon. It is just my crazy thought.

Hope you love my photo.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Water Droplets on the green board

Hello Everyone!
Today I will show you my one old photo.This photo was taken in the last 3 years. When I was in front of bank and I remember it was the rainy day and when I saw the droplets on the green board of bank, I took out my Olympus camera (Camedia C-765 Ultra Zoom) and made a shot. Then as usual made some processing in Photoshop7. Only water droplets on the green board may not be so eye-catching, so square-red line was added.
I hope you like it.